Eco-friendly travel branding: What your customers really want

Nearly 76% of global travellers expressed a desire to travel sustainably in 2023, according to But, 39% of travellers did not trust brands that labelled themselves as sustainable.

This statistic highlights a growing gap between travellers' intentions and the reality of their options. As environmental concerns shape consumer behaviours, the travel industry faces pressure to adopt and communicate sustainable practices. The demand for eco-friendly travel branding is not just a trend, it's an expectation.

So what do customers want from sustainable travel branding and how can brands effectively meet these expectations? 

Understanding the eco-conscious traveller

Profile of the eco-conscious traveller

The eco-conscious traveller is a discerning consumer driven by a desire to minimise their environmental impact. They look for authentic experiences, prioritise ethical practices, and are, in many cases, willing to pay a premium for sustainable options. These travellers are increasingly informed and expect transparency from the brands they choose.

For the eco-conscious traveller, sustainable travel is not just about reducing plastic usage or offsetting carbon emissions. It's about a holistic approach to responsible tourism that includes social, cultural, and economic sustainability.

Impact on purchasing decisions

Eco-conscious travellers know what they want when it comes to making purchasing decisions. In many cases, they are willing to pay a premium for sustainable options, but only if they see the value and authenticity behind the brand’s eco-friendly claims. 

Greenwashing in the travel industry – where companies falsely advertise or exaggerate their sustainability efforts – has made these travellers more cautious. 

As a result, they scrutinise brands to check if they are genuinely committed. The traveller will look for certifications, third-party endorsements, and transparent communication about sustainability initiatives.

Their purchasing decisions are also influenced by peer reviews and recommendations. Eco-conscious travellers often turn to online communities and social media to share their experiences and seek advice on sustainable travel options. Brands that can establish a reputation for being genuinely eco-friendly are more likely to gain the trust and loyalty of these consumers.

The role of branding in meeting consumer expectations

A strong brand identity is essential for connecting with eco-conscious travellers. Your brand must clearly show your commitment to sustainability, demonstrating that it is ingrained in your business philosophy.

Brand identity and values

Sustainable travel branding involves clearly defining the brand’s values and ensuring that these values are consistently communicated across all touchpoints. From your company’s mission statement to its marketing campaigns, every aspect of the brand should reflect a genuine dedication to eco-friendly principles.

Brands that succeed in this area have sustainability as part of their core identity. They don't just offer eco-friendly products or services, they operate sustainability in everything they do. This approach resonates with eco-conscious travellers who are looking for brands that align with their own values.

Lady walking with her bike net to building
Your travel business should not only promote sustainable travel but also operate in a sustainable way to offer the most authentic brand to your clients.

Trust and transparency

Consumers want to know exactly how your business is making a difference, so be clear and honest about your eco-friendly initiatives. That 2023 report showed there is a lot of mistrust around what brands label themselves as versus what they do in everyday business.

Building trust with eco-conscious consumers requires transparency. You must be upfront about their sustainability practices, including the challenges you face and the areas where you are still striving to improve. This honesty helps to build credibility and fosters a deeper connection with consumers. In contrast, brands that are perceived as hiding the truth or exaggerating their efforts will put their target audience off.

Transparency can be demonstrated through clear communication about your brand’s sustainability initiatives, including detailed information on the environmental impact of your operations, the steps being taken to reduce this impact, and the results achieved so far. You should also be open about your partnerships and collaborations, particularly with organisations that provide certifications or endorsements for sustainable practices.

Certifications and endorsements

Certifications and endorsements from reputable third parties are invaluable tools for building trust in eco-friendly travel. Certifications and endorsements can boost your credibility. By getting recognised accreditations, you demonstrate your adherence to sustainability standards. Partnerships with environmental organisations can also enhance your brand’s reputation.

Some of the most recognised certifications in the travel industry include the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) certification, the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal, and the Green Key certification.

In addition to formal certifications, endorsements from respected environmental organisations can also enhance a brand’s credibility.

Communication strategies for eco-friendly travel branding

Content marketing

Content marketing is a powerful tool for engaging your audience. This content can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media updates. By creating engaging and informative content that highlights the brand’s eco-friendly practices, your travel company can educate consumers and build a loyal following. The key is to create content that resonates with your target audience and provides real value.


Share stories about your sustainability journey, educate travellers about the environmental impact of tourism, and highlight the positive contributions your business makes. 

By sharing stories about your brand’s journey towards sustainability, including the challenges faced and the successes achieved, you can create an emotional connection with consumers. This storytelling approach can also be used to showcase the positive impact of sustainable tourism on local communities and environments, further reinforcing the brand’s commitment to responsible travel.

Visual branding

Visual branding is another important aspect of eco-friendly travel branding. Your brand’s visual identity, including its logo, colour palette, and overall design, could reflect your commitment to sustainability. 

In addition to the aesthetic aspects of visual branding, your brand’s marketing materials should also incorporate sustainability messages. For example, brochures and websites can include information about your brand’s eco-friendly practices, certifications, and partnerships. Visual branding should be consistent across all channels, making sure that your brand’s commitment to sustainability is clearly communicated at every touchpoint.

Social media and influencer partnerships

Social media is a powerful platform for eco-friendly travel marketing strategies. By leveraging the reach and influence of social media, your brand can connect with a large audience of eco-conscious travellers. Social media platforms also provide an opportunity for brands to engage with consumers in real time, answering questions, addressing concerns, and sharing updates on sustainability initiatives.

Influencer partnerships are another effective strategy for promoting eco-friendly travel brands. By collaborating with influencers who are passionate about sustainability, brands can reach a wider audience and build credibility. These partnerships should be authentic and based on shared values, ensuring that the influencer’s audience is genuinely interested in sustainable travel.

Measuring the impact of sustainable tourism is essential to ensure that travel practices benefit local communities, preserve natural environments, and promote long-term cultural and economic sustainability.

Challenges and opportunities in eco-friendly travel branding

Common challenges

Greenwashing is a significant challenge facing the industry. Consumers are becoming increasingly knowledgeable and savvy, so it’s essential to be genuine and avoid making exaggerated claims. 

Another challenge is the cost of implementing sustainable practices. While many consumers are willing to pay a premium for eco-friendly options, the initial investment required to adopt sustainable practices can be high. This may be a barrier for smaller travel companies or those operating in highly competitive markets.

But, there are ways to limit how much you need to spend. One way is by developing a good brand strategy. Your brand strategy aligns all business activities with your brand’s goals and values, including your commitment to sustainability.  

Group of people planting a small tree
Be careful of greenwashing when trying to show your brand's beliefs about sustainability. You must be authentic in your claims.

Opportunities for innovation

Despite these challenges, there are significant opportunities for innovation in green travel branding. By embracing sustainable practices and highlighting their unique offerings, you can differentiate yourself and gain a competitive advantage.

Brands that can find creative solutions to reduce their environmental impact, such as developing new technologies or adopting alternative business models, have the potential to stand out in the market. 

There is a growing demand for personalised and authentic travel experiences, which presents an opportunity for brands to create unique offerings that align with consumers’ sustainability values.

Brands can also take advantage of collaboration and partnerships. By working together with other organisations, such as NGOs, local communities, and other businesses, your travel brand can meaningfully amplify its impact and reach.


Eco-friendly travel branding is more than just a trend. It is here to stay, so it’s important you think carefully about how to include sustainability in your travel brand identity, marketing strategy and overall operations.

By understanding the needs and expectations of the eco-conscious traveller, building a strong brand identity, avoiding greenwashing in the travel industry, and implementing effective communication strategies, you can create a successful and sustainable business.

Remember, authenticity is crucial. By genuinely caring about the planet and your customers, you can build lasting relationships and contribute to a brighter future for all.

Ready to plan a brand strategy that appeals to eco-conscious travellers?

At Boost, we work closely with travel brands to make sure your brand, marketing and overall business reflect your mission and vision. Contact us today to discuss how we can incorporate your passion for sustainable travel into your brand’s identity, strategy and digital marketing.

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